Decision Session - Executive Member for Finance and Performance

In consultation with the Executive Member for Housing & Safer Neighbourhoods (Agenda Item 4, Financial Inclusion/Welfare Benefits Update Report) and the Executive Member for Economy & Strategic Planning (Agenda Item 5, Omicron Business Support Grants)


Monday, 14 February 2022




Set out below is a summary of the decisions taken at the meeting of the Decision Session - Executive Member for Finance and Performance held on Monday, 13 December 2021.  The wording used does not necessarily reflect the actual wording that will appear in the minutes.


Members are reminded that, should they wish to call in a decision, notice must be given to Democracy Support Group no later than 4pm on the second working day after this meeting.


If you have any queries about any matters referred to in this decision sheet please contact Angela Bielby.







4. Financial Inclusion/Welfare Benefits Update Report






     i.        That the Service Level Agreement for the Welfare Benefits Unit at Annex A for a period of 3 years 2022 to 2025 at a cost of £22,700 per year (as detailed in paragraphs 3-6 of the report) be approved;

    ii.        That the criteria and progress of the 2022/23 FISG grant scheme including the approvals of awards at the next Executive Member Decision Session for Finance & Performance on 16 March 2022 (as detailed in see paragraphs 7-12 of the report) be noted;

  iii.        That £39k funding for a Community Involvement Officer role to deliver actions relating to food poverty priorities in the city be approved.  This will be funded from the existing York Financial Assistance Scheme Emergency Fund for one year  (as detailed in see paragraphs 13-17  and 26 of the report);

  iv.        That the use of funding previously agreed by Executive on 30 September for a 100% Digital York Project Co-ordinator, over an 18 month period rather than a year (as detailed in see paragraph 18 and 19 of the report) be approved.

Reason:     To ensure councillors, residents and stakeholder groups are aware of the ongoing financial inclusion activity across the city and use of associated funding and approvals.  








5. Omicron Business Support Grants






a)   That the adoption of the Government’s Omicron Hospitality & Leisure Grant (OHLG) made at Executive on 13 January 2022 (as detailed in paragraphs 6 – 10 and Annex A of the report) be noted;

b)   That the Officer Decision of 2 February in delivering the new Omicron ARG scheme (as detailed in paragraphs Paragraph 11 – 14 and Annex B & C of the report) be ratified;

c)   That the Officer Decision of 21 January in delivering the new CARF scheme(as detailed in paragraphs Paragraph 16 – 20 and Annex D & E of the report) be ratified;

d)   That the delegation of any future changes resulting from government guidance in relation to all schemes in this report be given to the Chief Finance Officer (s151), Director of Economy & Place and Director of Customer & Communities in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and Performance.

Reason:     To provide financial support to the city’s businesses during the ongoing covid-19 pandemic and the impact of the Omicron Variant.





6. Application for Community Right to Bid under the Localism Act 2011






Resolved: That approval be given to the renewal of the listing of Holgate Allotments, York, as an Asset of Community Value (ACV).


Reason:     To ensure the Council meets its legislative requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and promotes community access to community facilities.